Clean up

1. DynamoDB Cleanup

Delete DynamoDB Table

  1. Navigate to the DynamoDB Console
  2. In the left navigation pane, select Tables
  3. Locate and select the Books table
  4. Click the Delete button
  5. Type confirm in the confirmation field
  6. Click Delete table to confirm

2. S3 Bucket Cleanup

Empty and Delete First Bucket

  1. Go to the S3 Console
  2. Find the bucket named book-image-resize-stores-by-myself
  3. Click Empty
  4. Type permanently delete in the confirmation field
  5. Click Empty to confirm
  6. Select the same bucket again
  7. Click Delete
  8. Type book-image-resize-stores-by-myself in the confirmation field
  9. Click Delete bucket to confirm

Delete Second Bucket

  1. Locate the bucket named book-image-stores-by-myself
  2. Click Delete
  3. Type book-image-stores-by-myself in the confirmation field
  4. Click Delete bucket to confirm

3. Lambda Function Cleanup

Delete Lambda Functions

  1. Access the Lambda Console
  2. Find and select the book_create function
  3. Click Actions
  4. Select Delete
  5. Type delete in the confirmation field
  6. Click Delete to confirm
  7. Repeat the same steps for the resize_image function

Note: If you plan to continue with Workshop 2 in this series, you may skip the Lambda function deletion step.

Next Steps

After completing these cleanup steps, verify in each service console that the resources have been successfully deleted. This helps prevent any unexpected charges on your AWS account.